Omni Has A New Website!
Omni has a new website baby! With this first post, I’m breaking a champagne bottle over this new website; christening it as the home for all work I do in regards to my stream, as well as random game/hacking/stream related thoughts in my head.

We’re calling the new website my hackpad. And that’s going to be its main function! As I am hacking and Omnifying new games, I’ll be scribbling the details of those hacks here on this site.
This website won’t just be for detailed Omnifying hack analyses, however. I’ll be using my hackpad as the general and central communications hub for everything else that is related! Stream news and information will be posted in the category this post appears in.
Other categories and topics will appear over time. I’ve been streaming for some time now (around 3 and half years at the time of this post) and I have lots experiences and unique insights I might not mind sharing with the world.
So How Is This Thing Gonna Look?
I’ve created a good base for this site that will fill out real nicely as I add all the types of things I’m planning to write. At the time of this post, however, it may appear just a tad bit bare…patience!

Navigation of my hackpad is made possible through the navigational menu found to the right of this text. That’s assuming your window is nice and wide…if it isn’t, e.g. you’re on mobile, then you’ll find it at the very top of the post!
Right now, at the time of this posting, the only topic you’ll see available is the News category, which this belongs to. All stream related information and news will be found there.
Eventually we’ll have an Omnified Design category, which is where I’ll put all non-game-specific topics as well as articles detailing the various philosophies and game-neutral frameworks that are part of the common Omnified hacking library. We’ll then probably have a Musings category, or something similar, where I’ll put all my ramblings that should at least be tangentially related to gaming and/or streaming.
By far the most important category you’ll see, however, will be the Games category. You will be able to either click on it to see all posts, or you can expand it by clicking on the ‘+’ to see a list of all the games I am either currently Omnifying or have already Omnified. This is where all the detailed articles going over how I’m hacking the games will be located.
It’s my belief that my Omnifying guides will best serve the public if provided in a long-form format. Indeed, this stuff is very technical and complicated, and such things are more easily learned when everything is written out for you. It is also my hope that this should make my content much more easy to stumble on — as discovery via Twitch and social media in general is quite awful.
Don’t worry though, my videos are not going anywhere! Once a new hacking article is written and published, a video will be made and then published on my YouTube. Once that’s done, it’ll be embedded in the article for your full viewing pleasure.
So, I hope you guys enjoy this. I know I will. I got a lot to share with the world baby! Some god damn hacking magic.
September/October Stream Schedule
Since this post is in the News section of my site, I need to have some stream specific stuff to share with ya’ll! So here’s my current schedule. Note that the times are quite variable — I apologize but that’s how it is. Some days I want to start at 5:00 pm, and some other days I want to start at 7:00 pm. I don’t know what to tell you…
Anywho! This is what the average week is going to look like…
No streams on Monday! This is when I spend time to relax….but not really (I don’t really ever relax haha). This is my day to Omnify new games for your enjoyment, as well as write new articles for my little hackpad.
~7pm Central Daylight Time. Streaming Omnified Horizon Zero Dawn.
No streams! Same deal as Monday.
~7pm Central Daylight Time. Streaming Omnified Horizon Zero Dawn.
~7pm Central Daylight Time. Streaming Omni’s Tactical Mega Modded Baldur’s Gate.
~5pm Central Daylight Time. Streaming Omnified Horizon Zero Dawn.
~5pm Central Daylight Time. Streaming Old School Sundays: Temple of Elemental Evil.
That’s it! As the schedule changes in October, I’ll be posting updates to the News category. Hope you enjoy this new form of expression from me folks…I know I will.
Ash! Thanks for reading š
Thank you for reading and saying hi Inky!