Stream Schedule and News for October
Hey everyone. We’re midway through October and I already have some stream news and even a new schedule for you all to become acquainted with! Here’s the biggest bits of news for you all:
- Omnified Horizon Zero Dawn has been defeated! So we resume the super painful and amazing Omnified Dark Souls II.
- I’m looking for new career opportunities ATM, so my schedule has shifted to a bit earlier than before in light of this.
I greatly enjoyed Omnified Horizon Zero Dawn, although I had to be very patient with it in more ways than one. You can check out the many, many streams of HZD content on my YouTube. Since this is the first Omnified game to be completed since the advent of my hackpad, it will be the first to get its own tombstone entry on this site!

Previously, for every Omnified game I beat, I would post a tombstone entry for it on my Discord server, listing the number of deaths, time it took to complete, list of challenges, and the hack code. Well I’ll be posting those entries on here going forward, I just need to figure out what the design for those tombstones entries is going to look like.
So stay tuned for that! And, without further adieu, here is my October schedule:
Still no streams on Monday! This is my day to Omnify new games for your enjoyment, as well as write new articles for my little hackpad.
~5pm Central Daylight Time. Streaming Omnified Dark Souls II.
No streams! Same deal as Monday.
~5pm Central Daylight Time. Streaming Omnified Dark Souls II.
~5pm Central Daylight Time. Streaming Omni’s Tactical Mega Modded Baldur’s Gate: Kensai Omni.
~5pm Central Daylight Time. Streaming Omnified Dark Souls II.
~5pm Central Daylight Time. Streaming Old School Sundays: Temple of Elemental Evil.
That’s it everybody. As always, pay attention to the News category for updates and news on the stream. See you on the next stream, which, don’t forget, can only be found at