New Stream Schedule Going Into 2021
Good tidings to all. Going into the year 2021, big things are afoot, including the changes to my stream schedule. Without further adieu, here it is (with an all new fancy presentation).

The Schedule (Times Are In Central Standard Time)
Less Is More.
Unlike some previous iterations of my schedule, I intend on, for the most part, sticking to the above. Veteran viewers of my streaming exploits will no doubt see that this schedule is a far cry from the old Omni, who tended to stream 8 hours a day…maybe every day?
Streaming is still a passion. It is still something I’m working on heavily, it is something I still truly love and enjoy; however, this journey in the land of the Omnified has reignited my passion for technological creation. I have started working on publishing my large body of personal code, which I will be using to create new technology and products, some of which will be intended to amaze and astound audiences tuning in to my stream.
I have streamed very diligently for four years now (actually my four year anniversary was the other day), and I will continue to do so, however I feel that working on creating new things (some of which will be on stream) is a better use of my time. I’m an ambitious fool, and I need more than what I’m getting. So time for a change.
Movie Nights!
Something else very new on the schedule here is the official announcement for my B Film Movie Nights on my Discord! After the stream on Saturday, we will be watching an awful, awful, amazing movie in Discord. Horrible movies are ambrosia for my soul.
I hope to see you there! Thanks for reading this, and take care.